How can you get all nine Clash of Province Gold chests? A lot of planning, prep, and practice, that's how! Through a combination of choosing the right hourly quests and doing some simple math, you can get all nine of those CoP gold chests every time. Just remember, all nine will only become available once you level your zone commemoration research to the Super Rewards tier.
Here are just a few more of your questions I answer in the video below to help you get all nine of those CoP gold chests!
Good luck, and don't forget to let our discord community know whether their questions helped you.
Don't want to watch the whole thing? Check through the clickable timestamps below to get your answers fast!
Video Time Stamps:
(please note that clickable timestamps open a new video window)
6:04 - Waiting room screen ends: Welcome to Today’s Gameplay! Watch what BrotherW does when he logs into the game.
22:05 - BrotherW enters the chat and stream BEGINS!
23:18 - Q/A Format for the Evening
24:49 - Check-ins and hello!
30:20 - Topic Announcement: How to Get All Nine CoP Chests
34:10 - INFO-SMASH BEGINS: Why do I want CoP Gold Chests?
39:45 - Should I go for Clash of Province MVP?
41:00 - How many points do I need to get all nine CoP Gold Chests?
43:19 - The most important part of CoP: How to Prep Tips
52:19 - Final Note on CoP: Execution
53:50 - What are the best hours to triple dip for CoP Gold Chests?
54:44 - WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO TRIPLE DIP for CoP Gold Chests?
58:21 - A new guest joins the stream! Welcome CorCat, R5 of [RoG] State 343!
58:52 - INFO-SMASH ENDS, and Topic Q/A Begins
1:03:15 - What is Technology Power?
1:09:09 - Are my research commemoration rewards cumulative?
1:14:00 - How do I increase my Technology Power?
1:19:26 - Critical Feedback on Research Technology with MetalnRoses of [TTT] Alliance 1:26:55 - Congrats to MetalnRoses: our first C23 in TTT alliance!
1:28:54 - Break Room BEGINS
1:40:53 - Break Room ENDS, Welcome back BrotherW!
1:41:20 - General Q/A Room BEGINS
1:44:40 - BrotherW and CorCat reminisce about TTT and RoG’s first War of S1
1:49:40 - CorCat brings a community question! What S1 heroes does everyone have? Which S1 heroes does everyone think are best?
1:52:58 - Special Shoutout to resident [TTT] Wisdom Master KrazyKaiser!
1:54:05 - Does anyone have a duplicate of an S1 hero yet?
1:54:42 - Quick Hero Review: Iron Hand
1:57:44 - Maxing out base orange heroes vs. S1 orange heroes
1:59:57 - Why don’t certain combat skills work when they’re in a legion?
2:04:14 - What are combat simulations, and how can they help me?
2:09:18 - What legion equipment helps to increase legion stamina faster?
2:11:47 - Why do some of my heroes/ legions get stamina faster than others?
2:19:26 - Shout out to TTT Tile Cleaners!
2:25:04 - How to Prioritize Cleaning Tiles in State (for TTT)
2:28:58 - Where to start cleaning tiles when you log in for the day
2:29:49 - How do we know who we are declaring on next as an alliance?
2:33:10 - How do we find the closest tile to our enemy targets in other states?
2:43:35 - Session Close-out Begins
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